WE ORGANIZE your professional events…

Seminars & Congresses

Conferences, congresses, colloquiums, seminars and others. For your conferences, forums, symposia, seminars and other events, we have at your disposal a team of interpreters who will assist you in transmitting your topics and ideasin the most accurate and convenient manner.




Materials and Event Organization

We provide all the necessary equipment for an excellent
coverage of your events, such as:

- Cabins
- Fixed and wireless microphones
- Headphones
- Suitcases, etc.
- Sound system
- Video projectors

Upon request, WE TRANSLATE will arrange for the venue of the event and set up the room in one of the two setup styles: “Casino” or “U” styles. The "Casino" style consists of organizing the room in round tables aligned so that guests can be comfortable; and the "U" style consists of aligning the tables in the shape of the letter "U",allowing visual contact between all the guests.


Technical Team

WE TRANSLATE provides a technical team that will assist you throughout your events and make sure that all goes in an orderly manner.